Thursday 17 October 2013

Qatar migrant workers S&M fetish

After the furore regarding the Guardian's article on the treatment of low paid Asian migrant workers in Qatar, the Qatar government has responded with its on PR offensive. In fact according to the Qatar government spokesman Abdulla Al Serious, the migrant workers come precisely because they are treated badly.

"These workers especially those from Nepal are S&M lovers and cannot find the pain and humiliation in their own country they crave, but this is where the accommodating employers of Qatar come in. In exchange for building high rise towers, roads and secret desert knocking shops we treat them like the scum they deserve, I mean want to be. Some people would say this is I humane but these people cannot get what they want in their own country due to 'stupid laws', but we believe in freedom of choice between consenting adults"

Our request to interview one of the Nepalese workers was greeted with enthusiasm in the presence of his employer, however it was hard to ask the questions we wanted while he was being beaten but we continued anyway. Gash Putu had this to say, "I, ow! love it here, ow! Sleeping 20 to a room is awful, ow! I mean it means I am close to my fellow Nepalis so we are like brothers. Even not getting paid is a pleasure as I believe if you do not suffer in life you are not living. Well that is what it says on the entrance to my concentration camp, ow! I mean, luxury accommodation with a gym and hot and cold flowing concubines. Can I go now? Ow!"

The Ambassador for the Nepalese Embassy and government officials from Nepal declined to be interviewed but said off the record that they are pleased to help their fellow Nepalis achieve their perverted dreams and the fact they all own recruitment agencies and receive huge finders fees from companies in Qatar is just a huge coincidence in parallel with their humanitarian work.

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