Friday 4 October 2013

The danger of T Shirts

How to stop perceived harassment? Well harass them, treat them like criminals when they have broken no law.

Quite strange and what has gone wrong with the Brits. Heavy handed tactics over what? Terrorism? Someone carrying a gun? Physical violence and threats against other students?

No. T-Shirts. Yes that's right t-shirts. Wearing t shirts has killed so many people in the world obviously so security needs to be called to make sure there are not worn. Utter madness.


LSE student Society intimidated at Freshers' Fair over "offensive" t-shirts
Posted: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:45

A row over free expression has broken out at the London School of Economics after members of the LSESU Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Student Society were told they would be physically removed from the annual Freshers' Fair unless they covered up t-shirts deemed "offensive".
Student Union officials removed materials from the LSESU Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Student Society stand and demanded that the group removed t-shirts they were wearing featuring satirical Jesus and Mo cartoons. When asked for an explanation, LSESU officials stated that several students had complained about the t-shirts.
After a period of consultation a member of the LSE Legal and Compliance Team and Head of Security told the members of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society that the wearing of the t-shirts could be considered "harassment", as it could "offend others" by creating an "offensive environment".
After challenging the actions of LSE officials, members of the Society were told they were not behaving in an "orderly and responsible manner". The group eventually complied by covering the t-shirts, but were closely followed by security guards for the remainder of the day.


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