Friday, 18 July 2014

Israel the Schoolyard Bully

If we needed more reasons why religion poisons societies Israel serves us up a juicy meal time and time again. To defend their Jewishness they feel it necessary to terrorise and possibly even eradicate their neighbours in a display of disproportional show of force. Yes Hamas fire crappy rockets into Israel and Israel are quite good at stopping them, but the response and the murder of Palestinians is outrageous. F16s against basically villagers? In humane, like shooting fish in a barrel.

The other point about Gaza is the people there have no where to go. In Iraq you can move to a different part of the country if it gets too dangerous or maybe head to a refugee camp in another country. In Gaza you do not have that option, you can't make it to Israel as they won't let you in, same for Egypt. In Gaza there is no safe place either, it's far too small.

America must share some of the shame of Israel. They are not killing anyone but they are providing the bullets. Nothing justifies the slaughter happening right now.

You would have thought that a people like the Jews would have learnt from 2000 years of persecution from Arabia to Europe but it seems the only lesson they have learned is to kill. Luckily this does not apply to all Jews, many around the world are appalled by the actions of Israel and rightly so.

When will it end?

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