Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Fuwairit Friday Fury Scandal

This Friday at Fuwairit beach during the Eid Al Adha holidays as many as 16 people in Qatar were outraged at a scence of such scandal, this blog is very brave to even print it in full.

At Fuwairit beach two ladies, possibly of European descent were seen wearing bikinis while frollicking in the sea. This was done in the full view of many different nationalities but some were brave enough to turn a blind eye and ignore the decline in civilisation before their eyes.

Mohamed of Dafna spoke exclusively to livingfreeinqatar blog, 'I was driving my Landcruiser up and down the beach, narrowly missing some children playing when I spotted these two ladies in bikinis. So disgusted was I, I had to drive past 9 times staring straight at them hoping they would cover up. I even wheelspun my car several times on the beach to get their attention but they just kept moving farther out to sea.'

Ahmed of Al Rayan was equally condeming, 'I normally go to that beach to drive recklessly, shoot birds and smell women in Abyas. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine such a scence in Qatar. I called 16 of my friends so they could see for themself the disgusting sight and after 5 hours when the ladies got in their car and drove home we knew it was safe to leave. Luckily I took 378 pictures to show my other friends who are on holiday in the south of France to see the disgrace.'

When the men were questioned by livinginfreeqatar's author that surely they have more important things to worry about in the world than this, such as thousands dying in Syria or the attacks on the Rhiyongi in Burma, both shared the same answer. 'How do you think the trouble in those countries started? Maybe the Jews but probably women wearing bikinis and then the whole of society falls apart.'

When you assidious author asked them why they have vacantioned 6 times this year already in Thailand both Mohamed and Ahmed said it was prayer time and time for them to go.


  1. totally Disgusting ..= D ver r d pictures

    1. Only for my private viewing, I wouldn't want to corrupt you. Obviously as soon as you see them you will start raping people

  2. This is such a racist blog..

    1. I am at a loss how you find this racist? Maybe racist means something different to you compared to the rest of the world

    2. Oh but of course it's racist...poking fun at the narrow-mindedness & hypocrisy of the locals in the country that has offered you the opportunity to earn tax-free bucks,tch tch...not only is it racist,it is also ungrateful,rude,uncivilized,unPC,did I miss any terms? please feel free to add...

    3. Blasphemous possibly? Unkind? Too close to home? Recognising themselves.

  3. LOL MIMH! Truly a pleasure to read your posts...:) Miss u on the mains..(u know where!:)

    1. That place died a long time ago.

    2. ROFL, man you rock. missed ur posts on QL

  4. Another gem Mimh! :)...

  5. It's G here,

    lolz, pictures please!
    kindly give the link to livingfreeinqatar blog.

    1. Pictures are with CIED for further examination.....



  6. MIMH and Anon.... don't you know.... if you don't like it, then you can leave!!!

