Friday, 19 October 2012

Totally unenforceable and just wrong

Interesting story in the Peninisular about Qatar drafting a law making it an offence to insult religions and they want this to be taken up by the UN and into international law.

What a pointless waste of time for the following points

1. Who decides what religions are protected?
2. Who decides what an insult is?
3. Do atheists also classify for protection who may be insulted by religious references?
4. What are the punishments for having an opinion that is deemed an insult?
If god is all powerful and all knowing does he need protection?
5. Why do religions deserve special protection? Why not footballers supporters whose teams are insulted by opposing fans?
6. When being a believer in one religion contradicts the beliefs of another and is considered insulting which religm takes precedent?
7. How do you enforce such a stupid law, especially in countries where freedom of speech is considered a basic human right?
8. How do you safeguard the people against misuse? In history it has been shown that such laws have been used to target political opponents and crush dissent, this can be used in religious dictatorships such as Saudi and Iran to justify the imprisonment of undesirables.....

Qatar please wake up and do not pander to the violent, vocal minority who wish to take away. Individual freedoms. Freedom of worship is a basic human right, freedom to disagree on even matters of religion is also.


  1. Second line of point 4 is interesting.

  2. This is HILARIOUS! Do they put ALL religions under one roof or is it ONLY for Christianity & Islam? Methinks its ONLY for Islam and probably for Christianity! They couldnt care less about Hinduism or other religions! What a load of crap!

  3. ur Narendra Modi is der to care about Hinduism in India..

  4. I suspect they will say for all religions but in reality it would only be used to defend Islam and Christianity. In fact most Christians probably couldn't care less what is said about them. Maybe the Hindus and the Buddhists will become more violent if they feel they are not getting enough protection as compared to the noisy religions.

  5. I think it is insulting teaching children that religion is a the pathway to truth. Faith should be exposed for what it is - the biggest lie of all.

  6. This what happens when you have such laws.........from Egypt right now:


    1. And that is exactly why I am against such laws as they can be used to oppress and punish, right up to murder. America allows freedom of expression which unfortunate means a stupid video gets made about Islam but no one dies because of it. (Except of course Muslims protesting about it, which seems ironic). Yo have the choice not to watch

  7. Frankly No Religion needs any protection! what we need is protection from FANATICS of ALL religions. If people become so sensitive that a word or a sentence or a movie makes them feel their religious beliefs are threated it just means their faith is weak! No one can demean or undermine your belief, whatever it may be. And there IS no necessity to defend your belief.

    And Zaheer Sayyad, Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups so stop assuming my nationality or religion!

    1. How very true. You do not see atheists planting bombs or flying planes into buildings. A little respect for fellow man is needed. God cannot be hurt by words or pictures as he is all powerful for believers, or else their faith is weak.

  8. hitchens - name me one moral thing that a theist can say or do that an athiest could not and I will show you wicked things that only the religious would ever do
