Tuesday 25 September 2012

Apologies bit busy......

It's been quiet I know, currently traveling around the world, solving the Palestinian crisis, talking sense to the Pakistanis, (why kill your own Muslims and destroy your own property over some stupid video?!!?)' teaching the Americans where the 'rest of the world is', explaining to the Britishers that they don't run the world now and trying to get the Aussies off the booze. Not very hopeful about the last one or the Pakistanis to be honest.......

Normal service will resume next week, well unless a government minister of some country hasn't put a bounty on my head......

Ciao, sayanora compadres.


  1. lolz...
    No words for Kate's scarf?

  2. I've been looking for Kate's boobs for ages now and I can't find them and I've got the pictures......

  3. Probably next piece would be the Aussies owning up to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church over 80 years. Disgusting. Not just an isolated incident , one that encompasses half the world. If it was a company and it is, it would be shut down.

  4. not aussie - the money making instituation - the catholic church

    "God is Not Great"

    Chapter Thirteen: Does Religion Make People Behave Better?

    In chapter thirteen, Hitchens addresses the question of whether religious people behave more virtuously than non-religious people (atheists, agnostics, or freethinkers). Hitchens uses the battle against slavery in the United States, and Abraham Lincoln to support his claim that non-religious people battle for moral causes with as much vigor and effect as religious advocates.

  5. Not closed, just been a bit busy. You will now see a flurry of activity...
